Friday, November 21, 2014

Pili A Pa'a: Solidifying New Knowledge

Our principal, Mr. Glenn Gray, wrote a grant to establish a space for professional and reflective teacher practice. In partnering with PIDF (Partners In Development Foundation), Holualoa Elementary offers two teachers a four-week intensive training/collaboration period to enhance their teaching practices. Teachers work with instructional coaches to create units of instruction for their respective content area(s). Coaches provide critical feedback and research based instructional strategies to enhance the curriculum development process. This post serves as a brainstorm reflection of my participation thus far in this mini-sabbatical cycle.

November 6 & 7, 2014: Schools of The Future Conference
November 10-14: CourseBuilder, Google Classroom, Computer Literacy
November 17, 2014: Tech adventures in Oahu: Iolani, Momilani Elementary, Hale Kula Elementary, Ali'iolani
November 18-21: Google Apps for Education + Moving towards Creative Computing using Google Classroom

* VEX IQ competition November 1, 2014
* FLL and Jr. FLL competition November 15, 2014
* HIKI NO! tour of Global Virtual Studios showcase: November 13, 2014

Essential questions:

  1. "We're at a spot where digital literacy is as important as reading, writing and math." How can we better coach digital literacy?
  2. How does this version of blended learning look, feel, structure and work?
  3. How can we structure three areas of blended learning at our campus: a) use of computer/technology as tutor and data tracking, b) use of computer/technology as way to create and learn computer literacy skills, c) use of computer/technology as way to synthesize, create, tinker, build, investigate, design, play, program?